Holy Cow, we got showered! I feel so clean. Now I know from being at my brother's house for their baby shower that it's a good thing to have a lot of friends come because they get a lot of stuff for the baby. But I have to say my wife's friends really stepped it up. Wow! I was simply blown away at the food table. The drinks weren't too bad either.
But seriously, the gifts were really unexpected. I could hear my wife now saying that people won't get the "expensive" stuff from our registry but were we pleasantly surprised. We made out pretty well. We got a lot of towels, bibs, blankets, swim suits, etc.. And oh yeah the new Stroller and Car Seat!! Oh Yeah!!!! And not to mention all of the food. Not too shabby.
And this was the shower thrown by her work friends. We still have the family and friends one coming up. Now I'm not trying to sound greedy but the Glider would go really well in our living room. And it matches the furniture and everything.
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