Sitting on the couch watchin TV. The time is 9:28 pm. Little did I know in two minutes, the show was about to begin. We had a pretty nice day and evening filled with chilling in the pool, having a quick lunch with friends, and a nice walk around the neighborhood. I noticed as we left on this walk that the moon was pretty full. My wife said in a sarcastic tone 'you watch I'll go into labor tonight'. Remember, we have the eviction notice scheduled for two days later.
9:30 pm rolls around and my wife pops up and says her water just broke. "What?" I ask. I heard what she said but didn't really hear it. She springs up and heads into the bathroom. I follow very quickly trying not to trip over the dog. She asks for the phone and we get the news from the hospital to come on in. Damn right!
So my wife gets ready and we head out around 10 pm. Oh man here we go. I manage to stay pretty relaxed and only go 95, I mean 65 down the freeway. It's kind of nice that it was late because there wasnt much traffic and the hospital parking lot was pretty much empty so we had that going for us. We get our things and head up to L & D.
Upon getting to L & D, we head into an observation room and they confirm that yes, that gallon of fluid that gushed out of my wife was her water breaking. I hear that most do not have their water break and if so, it's more of a trickle. Not my wife. So we get admitted into an L & D room and the show starts!
The show goes on for several hours (5+) without meds. I'm doing the counting and the tennis ball rubbing. We are in a groove. Then the pain gets too much and I can see my wife has had enough and we call in the nurse. I have the room setup with the music playing my mix and everything but it just got too much so my wife asked for meds. Luckily they didn't tae too long to get as mentioned earlier. 15 minutes later my wife is feeling better. Nice. It gave us all a chance to rest, baby included. My wife was at 8cm before meds and quickly went to 9.5 right after. The baby was not progressing and we were concerned. She finally got to 10cm and was ready to start pushing after 14 hours. That's right 14! That puts Ironman triathletes away because she still needs to push.
Pushing starts and lasts for three and a half hours before a decision is made that for the health of mom and the baby, doctors may need to assist with other methods, possibly ending at C-Section. We don't want that but will do what's needed. My wife tried to push again but the baby would retract too far, and her heart beat woukd go down too far (sub 100 bpm) and take too long to return to ideal. It was decided that even with assistance it wasn't to be. So into emergency C-section. Did I forget to mention that the entire planet seemed to be delivering at the same time? Nurses and doctors were all over the place.
Anyway, we ended up being shipped over to Delivery and were prepped. I was the only to accompany my wife. I had to gown up and get ready. Fun! I sat outside the Delivery room for what seemed like a decade before going in. The room was tense but not too bad. They were able to deliver our new daughter after some more complications. My wife was running a fever and the baby had relieved herself too soon. She wasn't out yet. This is bad. Also, the cord was wrapped and this too is not good. But after they got her out, they rushed her over to the NICU team and they suctioned her out. She didn't cry immediately which is good so she would not breath in the meconium. Needless to say, we are all tense. My wife is crying, I'm trying not lose it and there it is: Yeahhhhhhh.... Yeahhhhh. .. Two good cries and I yell out too! Then our little baby girl goes quiet again. The doctors are cleaning and suctioning her.
I am told that I can get up and go look. Mind you, my spot was right up next to my wife's head in a chair. I got told to sit down after I stoid up to watch. Funny. I then go over to the NICU team and take pictures and show my wife. We lose it! WOW!!!!!!!
Stats for baby Addisen are: June 15, 2011 at 14:46, 9 lb. 11 oz (4400 grams), 20 inches long (50.8 cm), brown hair, blue eyes, my complection, my wife's good looks, the usual.
So after the divery, I go with Addisen back to our l/d room and mom follows shortly after she finishes her surgery. Reminder, water broke on June 14th at 9:30 pm. Labor wasnt as long as some I have heard but it was certainly intense.
So next was the quick wash down of the baby and hand off to mom for feeding. Feeding started out pretty well and is still going okay. It's all a learning process. Anyways, we are told that due to the high amounts of deliveries, there isn't a room available in Mother/Baby so we have to hang out in our L/D room until one comes available. This doesn't happen until 1:00 am. We hung out with my wife's family and took pictures. My parents our coming tomorrow so we can all get to know the families.
Now we have another set of nurses and doctors coming in and checking. I feel well checked on but almost too much. Once the night shift took over at 11 pm it seemed to slow down enough to try to sleep. That goes until about 1 am like mentioned. We get moved over to the Pediatric Overflow and they wheel my wife's bed with all our stuff and the second we get into the room I notice there isn't one of those sleeper seats that folds out. They whell out another bed and get my wife set up. I understand it's all about them, but come on, not even a little spot for me. Don't worry my wife says and she works her magic and gets them to leave in the other bed that was in the room. Score one for me! I get a bed too, not just a little sleeper chair that sucked!
So this made the next few hours more manageable. We both rested and handled the next day of events. It is full of Doctors and nurses and paperwork. I get a chance to swaddle and change my baby girl and life is good! We are all looking forward to more rest tonight and a smooth recovery! Stat tuned for pictures more!
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